Aesthetic dermato-surgery
It enables us to rework unsightly or painful scars and treat skin cancer, especially the most common type: basal-cell carcinoma (BCC).
Aesthetic surgery
Asking to correct a body part is linked to a discrepancy patients feel between themselves and their body image. This difference in perception is synonymous with emotional distress, which is behind patients’ request for surgery.
Botulinum Toxin
This is the world’s most widely practised aesthetic treatment. It reduces wrinkles and fine lines without stiffening the face.
Cellfina is the only medical technique for lasting, safe improvement of a cellulitic appearance without injecting chemicals and without leaving scars.
Dark spots removal
Hyperpigmentation is a common skin condition where patches of skin become darker in color due to an increased production of melanin
Hair transplants
FUE (follicular unit extraction): a scar-free technique to achieve natural-looking denser hair on the scalp, beard, eyebrows and scars.
Hyaluronic acid
This is a natural skin component that tends to decrease with age. As hyaluronic acid disappears, the face becomes gaunt and wrinkles appear.
Laser treatment
To achieve a glowing skin complexion, precise techniques have been developed to target each problem and obtain effective results as quickly as possible.
LPG – Endermologie
Stimulating dormant cell activity deep in your skin to combat any unsightly imperfections that appear.
This aesthetic treatment tones and firms up facial skin and restores a glowing complexion.
Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty
A revolutionary technology for a non-invasive, non surgical blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) with immediate results.
Peeling solutions are applied to the entire face or its most sensitive areas, such as the eyelids. This is done as a depigmentation treatment and to achieve radiant, youthful skin.
Vampire lift – PRP
This natural, innovative treatment enhances tissue vitality and promotes its repair. It helps trigger the skin’s natural regeneration mechanisms.
Swiss Centre for Aesthetic Surgery and Medicine
Open: Monday to Friday, 9.00 am – 7.00 pm, and one Saturday a month.
Grand Rue 92
1820 Montreux
+41 21 566 11 56