Gynaecomastia surgery (male breast reduction)
This is an intervention to remove excess breast tissue in men (gynaecomastia), which is often linked to a hormonal anomaly or excess fat. Excessive mammary gland development gives a very unsightly feminine appearance, which causes complexes in men. Gynaecomastia treatment obtains excellent, very natural results and restores male virility at the thorax.
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- Are the results immediate?
The initial results are immediate, with very little scarring; the scars become invisible after 1 year. Nevertheless, you will have to wait 3-6 months for the definitive results. - Is this a painful intervention?
There may be some tension pain, which is soon relieved by medication and a compression garment. - How long before you can resume normal activity?
Normal activity can be resumed after 1-7 days, including work, depending on your work environment. You can resume sport gradually, from 4 weeks onwards.
Useful information
Before the intervention
- Two consultations need to be arranged: one with the plastic surgeon and the other with the anaesthetist.
- You will be given a quote and a mutual informed consent form, which must both be signed before the intervention.
- Stop smoking 1 month before the intervention
- Do not take aspirin (except for cardiovascular indications to be discussed with your cardiologist and/or anaesthetist) for 10 days before the intervention.
- Do not take anti-inflammatory drugs for 10 days before the intervention.
- Hormone tests and radiological assessments are carried out.
- Pre-operative photographs are taken.
- 15-day medico-legal reflection period (which cannot be shortened) between the 1st consultation and the intervention.
Day of the intervention
- General anaesthetic.
- Duration of the intervention: 45 mins (simple liposuction) – 1.5 hours (if the mammary gland is also excised).
- You can go home the same day as the intervention (outpatient procedure) or the following day (1 night in hospital).
After the intervention
- Wear a compression garment day and night for 1 month.
- Oedema for 1-2 weeks.
- Any ecchymoses you may have disappear after 7-10 days.
- Stop smoking for 1 month.
- Return to work: after 3-10 days, depending on your work environment.
- Resume sport: gradually, from 4 weeks onwards.
- Result obtained: immediately, with the definitive result after 3 months.
- Consultations after 15 days, 3 months and 12 months for a clinical check-up and to take post-operative photographs.
- Gently dry the dressings with a hair dryer after every shower.
- Reduction mammoplastyFrom 8,500 CHF